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Cooperation with Business


Nowadays BSPU is the leading pedagogical university of the Republic of Belarus, a member of Eurasian Association of Universities. We set a goal to train Belarusian intellectual elite and realize it by optimal combination of educational process, research work and practical training.

  • Our programme of modernization of pedagogical education requires a new level of mutual relations between educational establishments, business and society. We understand that our cooperation follows the same goal – higher quality of training specialists for the educational system.
  • The educational space feels more and more “pressure” of rapidly developing informational-communicational technologies, which presupposed cardinal changes in the approaches to organization of the educational process, in the contents of education, in the means, methods and technologies of education.
  • There are plenty of examples of cooperation. Among the successfully realized international projects are the following: a project on implementation of mobile devices into educational process of BSPU has been realized in cooperation with the company “Prestigio” (Cyprus) within the framework of the programme “Education 2.0”; a joint project of BSPU and Sberbank of Russia – “Virtual School”.
  • The experimental project “Education 2.0” is being conducted within the framework of the programme on modernization of national education, connected with the transfer to new highly technological methods of presenting teaching material, with the development of interactive studying system.


  • Contemporary students live in the epoch of digital technologies and use them actively in their everyday life. The innovational tablet for education “Prestigio” is a very effective solution for the students who are ready to step forward on a new level of interactive classes with the help of electronic text-books and multimedia materials; they are able to quickly master the new format with usage of digital technologies in the edcuational process. The tablet provides a fascinating highly-technological process of conducting classes which undoubtedly raises students’ motivation, enriches the informational saturation of classes and, consequently, leads to better results of teaching.
  • The sitting of the university administration from 02.02.2015 has taken a decision to spread the results of the experiment to other departments of the university and to hold training seminars for the university teachers on using mobile platforms in the educational process.
  • In the XXI century an important element of preparing future teachers to pedagogical work is plunging into highly-technological environment. Within the framework of the social programme on support and development of education in the country, the public corporation “BPS-Sberbank” cooperates with the schools and universities of the republic. The foundation of “Virtual School” in BSPU is a part of a long-term project on modernization of the educational process by means of implementing modern interactive technologies.
  • The project “Multiservice Informational Educational Environment” (MIEE) is intended for complex methodical and organizational-technical support of modern interactive technologies in education – both on the level of a separate educational establishment (school, gymnasium, university) and on regional level. A united network connects the interactive classrooms of Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, which are equipped with full-sized interactive boards, multimedia projector and a leading computer with a complex of digital instruments and resources for conducting classes. The means  of supporting the educational process are the software means for educational purpose (computer textbooks, trainers, reference books, means of control, etc.). Interactive means also include virtual laboratory sessions (Biology, Chemistry). The system realizes the remote access to the funds of the electronic library, created on the base of BSPU Repository; there is a possibility to complement the informational-educational  space with media-centres, multiuser electronic libraries of other educational establishments.
  • The implementation of MIEE by BSPU enriches the traditional methods with new powerful visual means of teaching (multimedia projector, interactive board, graphic tablet, document-camera, digital microscope) which allow not only to strengthen the visual row on the subject (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology), especially while working with cards, videos, slide-shows, but also to realize front demonstration of small motoricity live: motoricity of manipulations with reagents, of carrying out experiments, demonstration of researching observation, small demonstrations on Chemistry, Biology, Physics, etc.
  • Not only students and schoolchildren will use them; courses of professional development for the teachers of Minsk and Minsk region will be held in the interactive classrooms.

− We need these classrooms because they help to organize the educational process in quite a different new way. A teacher  will be able to interact with each student more effectively, and students will get additional motivation and interest to subjects, - said the chancellor of BSPU Alexander Zhuk at the opening of the “Virtual School”.
− Such innovative methods of education are the future. It’s pleasant to know that such classrooms appeared in the pedagogic university. It’s very important to graduate from the university being a highly-qualified specialist, because these are teachers who influence the upbringing of educated healthy generation who will work for the good of our country, - said to the students the CEO of BPS-Sberbank Vasiliy Matyushevskiy.
Nowadays the cooperation of BSPU and BPS-Sberbank is continuing. Opening of a center of distance learning is planned. The system presupposes the possibility of integration with many popular resolutions for organizing webinars:  Adobe Connect, Open Meetings,; a wide range of instruments for knowledge control: electronic testing, multicriteria assessment, etc.
Our university is always ready to share experience and accept up-to-date innovations. We are open to fruitful and mutually beneficiary cooperation with representatives of social-responsible business-structures that are ready to contribute to the development of education in Belarus.